Certified Honey
What is certified honey? The Certified Honey Producer Program (CHPP) is the official marketing program of the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA). The CHPP promotes local honey produced by the beekeepers of the NCSBA and a genuine product of the state of North Carolina and connects local beekeepers with consumers who are looking to purchase local honey. More information about the CHPP can be found here: https://www.ncbeekeepers.org/programs/certified-honey-producer
What does this mean to you? As an apiary participating in the CHPP, you can be assured that we adhere to certain practices to produce the best honey for your consumption:
- The labels of the Certified Honey Producer Program are affixed only to containers of honey that are known to be produced in North Carolina.
- Be an active beekeeper unless otherwise approved by the Certified Honey Producer Program (CHPP).
- Must not engage in deceptive marketing or advertising and must label honey in accordance with federal, state and CHPP guidelines.
- A container labeled as honey must not contain any additives or flavoring.
- Creamed honey may bear the ‘certified’ and ‘discover the goodness’ labels and must be made from honey produced in North Carolina.
- The ‘Discover the Goodness of North Carolina Honey’ label should be affixed to every container or should be displayed prominently where certified honey is sold.
- The ‘Certified’ or ‘Discover the Goodness’ labels must not be used to advertise or otherwise promote the sale of honey produced outside of North Carolina.
- Hives must not be fed sugar syrup or corn syrup during periods of honey flow.
- Honey should not have a moisture content exceeding 18.6%. This insures the product you buy will not ferment and become unusable.
- Varroa mite treatments must be used according to manufacturer labeling.
- The honey must not be pasteurized or heated beyond 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
- The honey must be sold in its natural state and can be filtered to allow for removal of honeybee debris and wax particles.
- The honey must not be ultra-filtered or otherwise processed to remove pollen.
- Sanitary and healthy extraction facilities and procedures must be observed as described by the NCDA&CS.
You can read more about the CHPP here: https://www.ncbeekeepers.org/programs/certified-honey-producer/certified-honey-producer-program-guidelines and locate us here. by typing in our name.
Look for any of the labels shown below so you know that your honey is produced by a certified honey producer.